Investment Management Fees Are (Much) Higher Than You Think

Investment Management Fees Are (Much) Higher Than You Think

In this ground-breaking journal article, our own Charley Ellis posits that investment fees should be viewed as a percentage of incremental returns above the market, not as a percentage of your total assets. Continue reading

Liability driven investing explained by Jay Vivian of IBM retirement funds

Pearls Of Wisdom

By now, the basics of pension liability-driven investing (LDI) are pretty well understood: There’s downside risk because assets might go down, but even more if liability discount rates go down. Continue reading

Read The Elements of Investing by Charley Ellis

The Elements Of Investing

Authors Charles Ellis and Burton Malkiel, two of the investment world’s greatest thinkers, have combined their talents to produce The Elements of Investing—a short, straight-talking book about investing and saving that will put you on a path towards a lifetime of financial success.
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Charley Ellis explains investing in the Financial Analysts Journal

The Winners’ Game

“Our profession’s clients and practitioners would all benefit if we devoted less energy to attempting to “win” the loser’s game of beating the market and more skill, knowledge, and time to helping clients recognize market realities…clarify their realistic objectives and then stay the course that is best for each of them.”
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How the wealthy manage their money

Wealth Management: Private Pursuits

“The biggest threat to incumbents comes from outside the banking sector, where hungry innovators, like MarketRiders, are trying to cut the cost of wealth management.” Continue reading

ETFs Have Taken Off, But They Can Be Treacherous

ETFs Have Taken Off, But They Can Be Treacherous

“If Wall Street can find a way to make money off the unsuspecting investor, it will.”

Mitch Tuchman, CEO of MarketRiders Continue reading

Barron's: Do-It-Yourself Portfolio Management

Do-It-Yourself Portfolio Management

“If the past few year’s returns are as good as Wall Street’s best and brightest, you might as well do it yourself.”

Mitch Tuchman, MarketRiders CEO Continue reading

Are Your Funds Keeping You from Becoming A Millionaire?

Are Your Funds Keeping You from Becoming A Millionaire?

“Fees are recurring revenue for fund companies. They’re just siphoned out of accounts in ways that one cannot [easily] see. It’s an insidious process.”

Mitch Tuchman, MarketRiders CEO
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How to pick an ETF

Tools To Help Pick ETFs – Online Resources Can Also Help Investors Rebalance Their Holdings

“MarketRiders suggests portfolios using mostly funds from Vanguard Group and BlackRock Inc.’s iShares unit, with the allocation based on the user’s answers to questions about age, investment horizon and risk tolerance.” Continue reading