The Index Revolution: Why Investors Should Join it Now

Legendary financial expert Charles Ellis on why every investor should join the index revolution and reap the benefits of low fee, high performance investing.
What is the best way for investors to achieve above average results, and generate the most return for the least amount of risk? Legendary financial expert Charles Ellis answers that query as he chronicles his personal journey from Wall Street broker to champion of portfolio indexing. In his new book, The Index Revolution, Charley offers a compelling read that highlights all of the important investment lessons that he has learned in his storied 50+ year career within the industry.
Noted Praise:
“Every investor wants to believe they can be above average. Charley Ellis has finally convinced me there is a fool proof strategy to reach that goal.” – Consuelo Mack of PBS WEALTHTRACK
“Indexing is the only strategy that effectively guarantees investors will earn their fair share of whatever returns are provided by the stock and bond markets.” – John C. Bogle, Vanguard Founder