Index Funds & ETFs Archive

Yale's Charley Ellis explains where most investors go wrong

Ellis, Bogle Agree: Investing Fees Are The Problem


In an interview with Bloomberg TV, Vanguard Group Founder Jack Bogle lowered the boom on critics of index investing and low investing fees. “Idiotic” is how he characterized one research analyst’s viewpoint. “Totally wrongheaded.” I can only imagine how that poor analyst must feel about now, having the dean of American investing call him out… Continue reading

index revolution

The Index Revolution & Why It Matters


The following is a brief excerpt from my forward for the incredible new book The Index Revolution by Rebalance Investment Committee member, and my colleague, Charley Ellis. Continue reading

Charley Ellis on how investment fees mislead retirement savers

Charley Ellis: The Simple Reasons Index Investing Wins


It always amazes me when people make the case for actively managed investment funds. If you understand the evidence against active trading — and in favor of index investing instead — it takes a heap of willful ignorance to keep believing. I understand why, though. Often, proponents of active management are investors of a certain… Continue reading

John Bogle says retirement investing fairness is worth fighting for

John Bogle: ‘Fight On’ For Retirement Investing Fairness


Transparency is a fancy word you hear a lot when it comes to corporations and government, but it just means being clear with people. Say what you do, then do what you say. It couldn’t be simpler, but nothing is simple once money is involved. And the more money at stake, it seems, the less… Continue reading

Jim Cramer offers a strategy for building a retirement nest egg

Jim Cramer’s Wealth Strategy: Almost Right


Jim Cramer, the CNBC host known for his stock-trading “shock jock” TV personality, has some advice for young savers on how to grow wealthy. Thing is, his advice holds true for older savers and investors retirement, too. Here are three major takeaways from a recent segment: First, you need time. A lot of time. Investments double… Continue reading

Smart beta stock funds are not better than index funds

Smart Beta Or Just Smart Marketing?


Recently, I spoke to Silvia Ascarelli at the Wall Street Journal about my understandable skepticism to the new trend of mutual funds coined “smart beta.” Continue reading

John Bogle of Vanguard warns investors on stock broker fees

John Bogle: How To Lose 66% Of Your Retirement Return


The “tyranny of compounding costs” is hardly a headline anyone wants to read. Yet people truly need to understand what Vanguard Founder John Bogle means when he says that cost is the major driver in how long-term retirement investing turns out. Most people assume that picking the investments matters. And in a sense it does.… Continue reading

3 retirement mistakes that cost you money

3 Retirement Errors That Crush Your Gains


If you spend enough time watching cable TV or reading the investing advice online, it can seem that the key to making money in the stock market is to buy the right investment, ride it higher, then sell before everyone else bails out. Yet the science behind portfolio investing — yes, actual data, collected by actual… Continue reading

All you need to know about retirement investing fits on an index card

You’re Not Warren Buffett, But You Can Be


A professor at the University of Chicago, Harold Pollack, made a big splash recently with a pretty simple idea: What if all you needed to know about personal finance could fit on a single index card. Not reams of stock charts. Not years of study in some business school. Not even a book from the… Continue reading