The Fees on These Funds Will Leave You High and Dry
Interval funds offer limited liquidity in exchange for investing in less-traded assets. However, these funds often hide high fees, making it essential for investors to assess their true costs and risks. The Fees on These Funds Will Leave You High and Dry One of Wall Street’s most popular trends, many interval funds omit a key… Continue reading

The Random Path to Stock-Market Riches
In his Wall Street Journal piece, Spencer Jakab explores how haphazard stock selection, inspired by Burton Malkiel’s ideas from “A Random Walk Down Wall Street,” demonstrates the surprising success of random stock picks over expert fund managers. The Random Path to Stock-Market Riches by Spencer Jakab, May 13, 2024 Words rarely heard from star fund… Continue reading

What is the worst time to hire a financial adviser?
Rebalance Managing Director Mitch Tuchman outlines in this column how one should take financial advice as seriously as they take medical advice. by Mitch Tuchman, January 31, 2024 If the number of digits on your retirement account balance surprises you, that might be a sign you need to get help with your financial decisions. The average… Continue reading

Smart Investors Take These Five Steps Before Retiring
by Mitch TuchmanAre you confident in your own retirement planning? Probably not, according to new data from the Employee Benefit Research Institute. Just 18% of Americans — less than one in five — say they are “very confident” in their ability to finance a comfortable retirement. Another 49% report that they are “somewhat confident.” What makes the… Continue reading

Warren Buffett’s Most Powerful Life Lesson Has Nothing to Do with Stocks
by Mitch TuchmanNothing about the news cycle these days is remotely “normal,” which is understandable considering events in Europe. So you probably missed the most recent letter to investors from Warren Buffett. Usually, his annual missive to shareholders in his holding company, Berkshire Hathaway, is front page news for a few days each year. It is a… Continue reading

How Rebalance Changed Its Portfolios to Manage Increased Inflation Risk
by Mitch TuchmanInvestors of a certain age, almost all, remember the last bout we faced as a country in terms of serious inflation, back in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Those years of rising prices baked into the economy came to head with double-digit price increases and, shortly after, a rapid increase in interest rates in… Continue reading

The ‘Secret Sauce’ At Rebalance
by Mitch TuchmanOver the past decade or so, a lot of well-meaning investment writers have tried to explain what is “special” or “different” about index investing. After all, American savers have put literally trillions of dollars to work in index funds over the years. There must be something going on, right? There must be some reason legacy… Continue reading

The Madness of Stock Picking
by Mitch TuchmanHonestly, how many of you had Baylor University taking the NCAA Men’s basketball tournament, a.k.a March Madness? Maybe some of you, maybe even a lot. Unless you’re fibbing. But how many of you got every single team right in your bracket? Essentially, that number is zero. It’s always zero and likely always will be zero.… Continue reading

Four Decades After “9-to-5,” Women Deserve Retirement Security
by Mitch TuchmanLike many of you, I am relieved and thrilled to see vaccines against Covid-19 rolling out across the country. It will take a few more months, but every day is a step closer to normal life for millions. It will take still more months, and for some folks years, to overcome the emotional and financial… Continue reading