There’s no better way to get excited about the holiday season than by giving back. You may know Rebalance as an investment firm with a team of individuals passionate about helping hardworking people retire with more. What you may not know, is that our firm members extend that same helpful attitude beyond the workplace, and into their communities.
With the giving season in full swing, we want to get into the holiday spirit by expressing gratitude to all of the wonderful non-profit organizations that our team members support. I speak for both myself and my colleagues when I say we are immensely thankful for the positive impact these charities provide, and proud of our Rebalance family for continually supporting the important missions of these groups.
Read through the testimonials from our team members, and find out how you too can give thanks, give back, and get involved. Happy Holidays, from all of us at Rebalance.
Managing Director
My family focuses most of our charitable giving to local organizations that benefit a cause close to my family – helping people with disabilities. My son Jack was born with a disability, and I know firsthand the struggles that he endures. Having support for people like Jack is truly a blessing. There is such a wide range – from NCEFT which offers equine therapy, Best Buddies, and Disabled Sports which gets anyone up on skis, to educational and training programs like the Morgan Autism Center, Friendship Circle, Abilities United, and Children’s Health Council. Those who work for and volunteer for these organizations are a special group who do critical work every day.
Managing Director
North Carolina Outward Bound School (NCOBS) is not just a group that I give charity to— it is an integral part of my life.
With Outward Bound, I put the skills and knowledge that I use to help people with investing in my professional life to work for a great organization. As a member of the NC Outward Bound’s Board of Directors for the past 14 years and also Chairman of its Investment Committee, I have helped provide scholarships to 56 low-income teens, and witnessed the amazing transformative power of the program. My own experience as a former NCOBS student, and the tremendous impact it has had on my life, is what motivates me to support North Carolina Outward Bound in a more hands-on role.
Our family supports the Epilepsy Foundation, a cause which is near and dear to our heart. At three months old, our youngest son was diagnosed with a rare disease, and his biggest challenge has been epilepsy. The Epilepsy Foundation helps to support families like ours with children who have reoccurring seizures, and is continually researching therapies for improved quality of life for those who suffer with this condition.
VP, Investment Advice
After Hurricane Harvey made landfall in Houston, my husband and I donated to the Texas Diaper Bank. According to the Diaper Bank, diapers are seldom provided by disaster relief agencies. Our daughter is one year old, and my husband and I could not imagine how difficult life must be during and after a natural disaster like Hurricane Harvey with a baby, much less without clean diapers to keep them healthy and comfortable. It is also important to remember that diapers are not only for young children, but also for the senior community. The Texas Diaper Bank provides diaper kits to help families in need and we were eager and happy to help that cause.
One organization I support is the American Heart Association. Each year, my daughters participate in the Jump Rope for Heart campaign, in which kids ask their family and friends to sponsor them for a special jump roping activity at school. American Heart Association provides amazing fundraising tools, including prizes and fun animations that teach kids about the importance of exercise and eating healthy. My daughters really get into Jump Rope for Heart, and I enjoy helping them raise money for a great cause!
VP, Client Services
I have been lucky to be a part of Jack Tuchman’s [my colleague, Mitch’s son] life since he was born in 1996. My son and Jack spent a lot of time together in the early years and once Jack was recognized as having special needs, we all wanted to help where we could. I’ve jumped in the water and swam laps for Jack’s school fundraisers and have contributed financially to various events that have been impactful to him. Jack is a great kid and so fortunate to have a loving group of supporters that want the best for him, and others with Pitt-Hopkins. I am lucky to be one of them.
I and my family wholeheartedly support Catholic Relief Services (CRS), an agency of the Roman Catholic Church begun in the European aftermath of World War II and today dedicated to both disaster relief and fundamental positive change on behalf of 120 million people in more than 100 countries based on need, not creed. In 2016, CRS spent 94 cents of each $1 donated on aid to the poorest at home and abroad. Its programs are strongly focused on innovation, testing, sustainability and scalability across borders, and its wonderful people are unmatched in their dedication to the CRS mission. Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me. — Matthew 25:40.
Senior Marketing Consultant
This year, my family chose to support Cure TBM. Tracheobronchomalacia (TBM) is a rare, airway disease in which the walls of the trachea and bronchi are weak. The walls collapse with breathing, and worsen with laughing, coughing, crying, and exercise. My son has severe, congenital TBM, and we participate in all fundraisers for the Cure TBM non-profit organization to help create awareness and programs for families needing diagnosis. Diagnosis can only be determined with by bronchoscopy, and patients need highly-trained, specialized pulmonary doctors and surgeons for ongoing treatment and care. The Cure TBM organization is adding a pediatric component to their fundraising this year, and my family donates money and time to bringing this effort to the public’s awareness.
Senior Marketing Associate
As an avid runner who believes in the multiple physical and mental benefits of exercise, I have chosen to support the charity Back On My Feet this year. As I trained for my second Baltimore Marathon, I asked that family, friends and co-workers support me in my charitable “fund-racing” by contributing to this noble cause. Back On My Feet helps empower homeless individuals throughout the country through exercise therapy, job skills training, and housing resources. I’m happy to note that my Rebalance colleagues helped me not just reach my fund-racing goal, but exceed it.
To find out how you can give thanks / give back, check out Charities.org