Investment Advisors Archive

Warren Buffett Advice When Markets Slip: Skimp on McDonalds

Buffett’s Advice When Markets Slip: Skimp On McDonald’s


Iconic billionaire Warren Buffett is sitting in the driver’s seat of a Buick SUV, talking to the drive-through cashier at a McDonald’s. “I’ll have a Sausage McMuffin with an egg and cheese,” he tells the grinning young woman, who clearly recognizes him and spots a documentary camera operator in the passenger seat. He probably orders… Continue reading


Rebalance’s Charley Ellis: A Money Champion of 2016


Recently, Time’s Money Magazine crowned Rebalance Retirement Investment Committee member one of their “Money Champions” of 2016. Find out why, and how Rebalance clients benefit from Charley’s expertise. Continue reading

Legendary stock picker Bill Miller blows lid off pricey fund tactics

Legendary Stock Picker Blows Lid Off Pricey Fund Tactics


Bill Miller is not a household name to most people, but he certainly earned his keep over the years as a fund manager at Legg Mason Capital Management. Miller made his name by beating the S&P 500 Index for 15 consecutive years, a nifty feat and one that is remarkably difficult to repeat. But it… Continue reading


Why Buy Index Funds If Someone Can Beat Them?


It’s a question you hear over and over in the investment business: Why buy low-cost index funds when there are active managers out there beating the market silly? And there are, absolutely, some managers and funds that have long and amazing track records. Warren Buffett is the obvious example, but there are also funds with… Continue reading


Warren Buffett Has A Simple Rule: Bad News First


Want people to trust and admire you, maybe even fall in love with you? Never pull your punches. It’s a contrarian approach to life, and possibly the hardest thing to do when it comes to money and investing, but owning up to what’s going wrong is crucial, say an expert who studies the investing style… Continue reading

Picking stocks might work in the short run but often fails in the long run

Stock Pickers Win Battles And Lose Wars


July was a bright spot for mutual fund managers who insist that stock picking is the way to make money. Sixty-seven percent of large-cap stock pickers beat their benchmarks while small-cap managers did their best so far this year, with 43% of them beating their index. Deal me in, right? Except that those July numbers were… Continue reading

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos is richer than Warren Buffett

Buffett, Bezos and Hedge Fund Guesswork


Funny how obvious things can be in the rear-view mirror. Jeff Bezos, founder of online retail giant Amazon, recently saw his wealth surpass that of investing legend Warren Buffett. Separately, Buffett’s own wager on the broad stock market index against a collection of hedge funds continues to embarrass the supposed “smart money” at those funds. There are some very… Continue reading

John Bogle explains a highly negative trends facing retirement investors

John Bogle: Investors Face This Highly Negative Trend


What’s going to hurt investors the most over the coming years? You might come up with any number of investment trends to worry about — inflation, debt, politics or terrorism, to name just a few. John Bogle, the founder of investment giant Vanguard, sees another trend, one he calls “highly negative” for investors and worth… Continue reading

Does your 401(k) cost too much money to operate?

3 Signs Your 401(k) Or IRA Costs Too Much


Lawsuits are piling up on the desks of HR directors around the country, all with a common theme: The employee retirement plan was too costly and the company should have known better. Retirement investing is not an expensive process. There are only a few variables and the marketplace is fairly transparent. Unless, of course, you are… Continue reading